Monday, November 24, 2008


"It's been really fun" - Laura

I can't believe we've been in the same school.

This teaching thing is crazy. I didn't sign up for this. What's going on? Since when do kids not know the word 'sad'? It's like they're not even trying. Always jabbering on in their silly nonsense talk and "reading" the curliwigs that are all over the place. Honestly!

But seriously, I have hope, but my lesson today was terrible. It's kind of embarrassing how badly it went. I undershot their abilities and underprepared for them to sneak away, stock up on straws, and hit each other with them. The guy after me didn't even get to any material because he just had to focus the kids. I'm dumb.

I am excited about Hua Hin, though word on the streets is that there are kids there too and I will be expected to be around them in some capacity. Dammit!

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