Tuesday, November 11, 2008

So we came to teach...

We just got through our first day of teacher training, and it was quite an adventure. We spent a ton of time getting down these four-line dialogs that involved one fill in the blank. Here's an example:

A: I would like to be a doctor, what would you like to be?
B: I would like to be a ____________.
A: Good luck to you.
B: Good luck to you too.

Getting a room of college educated, English native adults to get through this exercise was hard. I can only imagine getting 50 rambunctious Thai kids through it.

After that, we went to see some more Loi Kratong festivities at the river. It was slightly less beautiful than the scene that Laura posted pictures of, but only slightly. It was also nice to see the locals shooting fireworks with the same care and consideration as Texans in the parking lot of a fireworks stand on the Fourth of July. There are hicks everywhere.

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