We got through the test batch nicely. After a week of teaching short lessons to (relatively) well prepared and behaved children, we start in Hua Hin on the 8th. That gives a week to chillax until we get started. Also, I hear there are lazy stray monkeys all over Hua Hin. That sounds so eerie and awesome, I don't really know what to say.
But as far as teaching goes, my lesson on Tuesday was discouraging, but the rest of mine went well enough (on my self evals they hovered between C- and C+) and the other teachers have been giving me enough positive feedback that I've resigned myself to the fact that I may do okay at this. Laura's a star, she doesn't need any reassurance or anything, she's great. But I think I may be able to hang. Also, compared to everyone else in our program, we've got a pretty posh teaching situation. Only 250 kids in the school, 30-40 per class, estimated 18 contact hours a week and minimal outside class work (no leading English clubs or teaching in English camps, just "gate duty", whatever that is). And if it's terrible, we'll just go to the beach every day and play with the monkeys.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Thai Thanksgiving

Some people were going downtown for a Western-style Thanksgiving dinner, but the rest of us went to get a more traditional Thai meal of soup in clay pots. All of the ingredients came on separate plates, and we added them one by one to let them cook. It was delicious. We even had a guitarist playing some great music in the background. It wasn't the Thanksgiving I'm used to, but it was a good substitute.
The political situation in Thailand has been a bit intense as of late, but we haven't been very affected by it. Traveling into Bangkok is a but challenging, but Richard and I may be able to get to Hua Hin without going through Bangkok. It will be interesting to see how the conflict works itself out. The government seems to be trying hard to avoid violence, but I think the police are starting to try to clear protesters from the airports today. Here's a more qualified source on the subject: BBC News Article
In other news, Richard and I finished our teaching practice and we're now completing a Thai culture course that we need to legally teach in Thailand. We spent most of today learning how to make toys and bamboo flowers. Not too strenuous. We finish the course tomorrow and then we have a week before we start teaching. Teaching! There's Richard at teaching practice. The kids at our second school were freakishly good. I saw Richard teaching twice and he did a really good job, so don't believe his horror stories. It will be sad to say bye to all the people we've spent the last three weeks with. We ended the course with some crazy karaoke, and then tomorrow, we all go our separate ways.
Monday, November 24, 2008
"It's been really fun" - Laura
I can't believe we've been in the same school.
This teaching thing is crazy. I didn't sign up for this. What's going on? Since when do kids not know the word 'sad'? It's like they're not even trying. Always jabbering on in their silly nonsense talk and "reading" the curliwigs that are all over the place. Honestly!
But seriously, I have hope, but my lesson today was terrible. It's kind of embarrassing how badly it went. I undershot their abilities and underprepared for them to sneak away, stock up on straws, and hit each other with them. The guy after me didn't even get to any material because he just had to focus the kids. I'm dumb.
I am excited about Hua Hin, though word on the streets is that there are kids there too and I will be expected to be around them in some capacity. Dammit!
I can't believe we've been in the same school.
This teaching thing is crazy. I didn't sign up for this. What's going on? Since when do kids not know the word 'sad'? It's like they're not even trying. Always jabbering on in their silly nonsense talk and "reading" the curliwigs that are all over the place. Honestly!
But seriously, I have hope, but my lesson today was terrible. It's kind of embarrassing how badly it went. I undershot their abilities and underprepared for them to sneak away, stock up on straws, and hit each other with them. The guy after me didn't even get to any material because he just had to focus the kids. I'm dumb.
I am excited about Hua Hin, though word on the streets is that there are kids there too and I will be expected to be around them in some capacity. Dammit!
Teaching Practice

Right now, I'm in one of the millions of cafes that surround the university here. This might be the only one I've found so far that serves affordable food, serves coffee, and has wi-fi. I wish I'd found it sooner. It's lovely. I'm getting used to this lifestyle. Having a full-time job again is going to be a shock! But hopefully a good one.
Oh, and some news! Richard and I will be teaching in Hua Hin (see picture above). It's a beach resort town. It's fairly touristy, but is supposed to be really nice. A lot of Thai people go there for vacations, so it won't be all farang (foreigners). There are lots of beautiful beaches around there! We're pretty excited.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Muay Thai Pictures
Here are the promised pictures.
Tiny Boxer (grinning with victory):
Blindfolded Boxer:
Kick to the head!
Bpai! Bpai! (Go!) Richard and I cheering.
That's about it. It was a great show. We went to a cool reggae bar afterward. It was fun.
Still having a blast! Teaching practice begins on Monday. Hopefully it will go well!
Tiny Boxer (grinning with victory):
Blindfolded Boxer:
Kick to the head!
Bpai! Bpai! (Go!) Richard and I cheering.
That's about it. It was a great show. We went to a cool reggae bar afterward. It was fun.
Still having a blast! Teaching practice begins on Monday. Hopefully it will go well!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Muay Thai with Cabaret
We went to a Muay Thai fight Monday night that was followed by a Ladyboy Cabaret. Where it was clearly targeting tourists, it was real fighting and real ladyboys.
We paid 350 baht to get in (a whopping $10.50) and had to fight to get the table we'd reserved, and after sitting a while, we noticed that the first fighters couldn't have been older than 8. What have we gotten ourselves into? Luckily that fight was relatively short and moved on quickly to real adults kicking each other in the head. Other highlights included a match where 5 blindfolded guys duked it out with one sighted referee making trouble. The real fights were pretty exciting, and Laura, who claimed to only come for the cabaret was standing and cheering and taking pictures at the most grisly moments. She does have bloodlust after all. Maybe we'll take a class together one of these days and she can take out all that latent rage.
Next came the ladyboy cabaret. It was like a normal drag show at first, with cheesy American pop, lipsyncing, makeup and camp. Then the tops came off, and those were boobs. Wow. Quite a show. Pictures will come soon.
We paid 350 baht to get in (a whopping $10.50) and had to fight to get the table we'd reserved, and after sitting a while, we noticed that the first fighters couldn't have been older than 8. What have we gotten ourselves into? Luckily that fight was relatively short and moved on quickly to real adults kicking each other in the head. Other highlights included a match where 5 blindfolded guys duked it out with one sighted referee making trouble. The real fights were pretty exciting, and Laura, who claimed to only come for the cabaret was standing and cheering and taking pictures at the most grisly moments. She does have bloodlust after all. Maybe we'll take a class together one of these days and she can take out all that latent rage.
Next came the ladyboy cabaret. It was like a normal drag show at first, with cheesy American pop, lipsyncing, makeup and camp. Then the tops came off, and those were boobs. Wow. Quite a show. Pictures will come soon.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Day Off!
We had six days of class this week, so Richard and I wanted to make good use of our one day off. We decided to hike to Doi Suthep, a Wat on top of a mountain that we can see from our hotel. On the way out of town, we ran into Adam, a guy in our program, so we set off together. Things started off well. We came upon Wat Phai Hin within five minutes. It was a beautiful Wat, and there were about a dozen young monks playing in the yard.

We kept walking, and found ourselves on the grounds of a fancy restaurant for tourists. There was a waterfall! We climbed up it for a while, but it didn't seem to be a faster route up the mountain.

There's Richard and Adam at the waterfall. Things got a lot more difficult from this point forward. Every direction we went. we ran into an entrance to the Chiang Mai Zoo, and no one seemed to be able to tell us how to get to the Wat. Finally we backtracked a ways, started out again, and found a trailhead! We followed a trail up the mountain for about half an hour and then found the Wat Palat. This isn't the Wat we were looking for, but it was really cool! In addition to the normal assortment of beautiful Buddha statues, there were also old, stone figures wrapped in orange cloaks, and other statues of various people and creatures. I need to learn more about the stories behind these statues.
We decided that to try for the other Wat another day. We went to the Sunday Walking Market in the afternoon and I spent too much money on pretty things. We really liked this market, though. The night market in Chiang Mai turned out to be really touristy and kitschy, but the Walking Market was pretty laid back.
You have to barter for things, and its really easy to get caught up in the moment and spend more money on something than you're planning on. I think I still managed to get a couple decent deals. Anyway, enough of these rambling posts about pretty things. Next up: Thai Boxing and Lady-Boys.
We decided that to try for the other Wat another day. We went to the Sunday Walking Market in the afternoon and I spent too much money on pretty things. We really liked this market, though. The night market in Chiang Mai turned out to be really touristy and kitschy, but the Walking Market was pretty laid back.
You have to barter for things, and its really easy to get caught up in the moment and spend more money on something than you're planning on. I think I still managed to get a couple decent deals. Anyway, enough of these rambling posts about pretty things. Next up: Thai Boxing and Lady-Boys.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Today is the funeral of the King's sister, Princess Galyani Vadhana. She died in January, but her funeral is just happening today. We were told that everyone would be wearing black today to show that they are in mourning. So, Richard and I dressed in black. Then we got breakfast in town. And no one was wearing black. But us. We feel kind of dumb.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

When we were in Bangkok two days after the election, every time someone asked us where we were from and we told them America, they immediately would say some variation of "Obamaaa! You like Obamaaa?" Last night when we were downtown for Loi Kratong, I saw this lantern with Obama's face on it! Since we keep writing about Loi Kratong, I might as well give some more details about that. It's a festival to honor Buddha and to give apologies to the river for polluting it all year long. People float lanterns into the sky and small banana-leaf rafts down the river as an act of letting go of all the bad things in life. There's one more day of the festival, so after that, things should return to normal, and I won't have to worry about firecrackers exploding in my face every time I walk down the street!
I'm enjoying the class so far. The best dialog yesterday was as follows:
A: My favorite drink is Mekong River Snake Whiskey. What's yours?
B: My favorite drink is _______.
A: Let's have a drink.
B: Sounds good!
We've been learning about some other basic warmups and activities. I hope we start learning the details of teaching grammar soon, but I think everything we've done so far will be useful. The whole final week of the course will be teaching practice, which is great!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
So we came to teach...
We just got through our first day of teacher training, and it was quite an adventure. We spent a ton of time getting down these four-line dialogs that involved one fill in the blank. Here's an example:
A: I would like to be a doctor, what would you like to be?
B: I would like to be a ____________.
A: Good luck to you.
B: Good luck to you too.
Getting a room of college educated, English native adults to get through this exercise was hard. I can only imagine getting 50 rambunctious Thai kids through it.
After that, we went to see some more Loi Kratong festivities at the river. It was slightly less beautiful than the scene that Laura posted pictures of, but only slightly. It was also nice to see the locals shooting fireworks with the same care and consideration as Texans in the parking lot of a fireworks stand on the Fourth of July. There are hicks everywhere.
A: I would like to be a doctor, what would you like to be?
B: I would like to be a ____________.
A: Good luck to you.
B: Good luck to you too.
Getting a room of college educated, English native adults to get through this exercise was hard. I can only imagine getting 50 rambunctious Thai kids through it.
After that, we went to see some more Loi Kratong festivities at the river. It was slightly less beautiful than the scene that Laura posted pictures of, but only slightly. It was also nice to see the locals shooting fireworks with the same care and consideration as Texans in the parking lot of a fireworks stand on the Fourth of July. There are hicks everywhere.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Bangkok and Loi Kratong
So, it sort of bothers me when people go abroad and start a blog and then don't write anything until they go to a cool festival, and then post a whole bunch of pictures. But that's what I'm going to do! My excuse is that we haven't had consistent internet access. But right now, Richard and I are in a cute coffee shop with free wi-fi, where I got maybe the most delicious latte I've ever had. I am happy to know that I do not need to give up my coffee habit here.
We spent a day in Bangkok after flying in. Bangkok: well oiled machine for ripping off tourists. Everywhere we went, we were harangued by people trying to sell us things for jacked-up prices. We didn't love it there, but we saw some cool things. The Grand Palace was beautiful!

We spent a day in Bangkok after flying in. Bangkok: well oiled machine for ripping off tourists. Everywhere we went, we were harangued by people trying to sell us things for jacked-up prices. We didn't love it there, but we saw some cool things. The Grand Palace was beautiful!

Bangkok was a bit of a disappointment, but Chiang Mai is lovely! We're staying right by Chiang Mai university, and the area around our hotel feels like any college town, with tons of little coffee shops and restaurants. I put on a long skirt to go out, and was surprised to see Thai students in shorts and tank tops, and generally looking more stylish than I ever do. Most of the restaurants don't have any English on their menu, so it's been fun to try to order things in Thai. Richard has been very successful with that, but all I ever really say is "thank you."
Last night, we were lucky to run into another person in our program who knows English teachers who have been living here for a while, so we got a chance to join a big group of people heading out of town for the first night of the Loi Kratong festival. We crammed 12 people into a songtow with another 3 hanging off the back and traveled out to a big field where thousands of loi (hot-air paper lanterns) were released into the sky. With fireworks constantly being set off, it felt a lot like the Fourth of July, but without any safety regulations. Seeing the sky lit up with floating lanterns was surreal and one of the most beautiful sights I've ever seen.
Last night, we were lucky to run into another person in our program who knows English teachers who have been living here for a while, so we got a chance to join a big group of people heading out of town for the first night of the Loi Kratong festival. We crammed 12 people into a songtow with another 3 hanging off the back and traveled out to a big field where thousands of loi (hot-air paper lanterns) were released into the sky. With fireworks constantly being set off, it felt a lot like the Fourth of July, but without any safety regulations. Seeing the sky lit up with floating lanterns was surreal and one of the most beautiful sights I've ever seen.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
We leave in 4 hours
This is Richard and Laura's Thailand blog. We are Grinnell College graduates, and after a year or two of less satisfying work, we are looking to doing possibly awful work on the other side of the world. We're hella looking forward to updating you all with pictures, stories, and other embarrassing hoohah for the next 6 months. Enjoy!
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