Sunday, March 15, 2009

Cooking Class

Laura and I just wrapped up a cooking class here in the foreigner-friendly area of Chiang Mai. It was a lovely experience. We went to the market and bought fresh veggies. We were expertly guided through a battery of curries, soups and stir frys. After a needed digestion break, we came to the curveball of the day, decoration. This involved making a rose out of a cut up tomato. Sound impossible? Well, let's just say everybody but me got the hang of it quickly but one. One named Richard. I made such a mess of this tomato that the other people at the table couldn't help but point and laugh. The instructor with the help of a more capable student managed to turn my fiasco into a frankensteinish abomination of a rose. I believe Laura took pictures, and maybe she'll post them if I let her. The rest of the class was great, and the people were lovely, and I fully recommend the Eagle House Cooking Class to anyone near Chiang Mai.

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