Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I'm sorting through the crapload of pics from my school, but in the meantime, here are some Thai jams that Laura and I have been into lately. The first one we heard at a bar among 'N SYNC, Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears, the Macarena, etc. Neither of us recognized it, but assumed that it came out around the same time (especially with the lyrics that are topical for the late 90s). It turns out it's an oddly skanky Thai pop song from 2006.

This one is in my head all the time. It doesn't hurt that it's my co-teacher's ringtone, and people answer their phones whenever here. Anyway, it's a serious jam that's all over the place these days.

I vow to put both of these on every mixtape for the next 5 years. Be prepared.

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